we are located in the heart of Fira town

The safest, wherever you park, is to ask a local for directions to the Greek Orthodox Cathedral. We are 20 seconds away, just round the corner.

To Ouzeri
Fabrika, Fira town, 847 00 Santorini

Phone: 0030 22860 21566
Email: info@toouzerisantorini.com

If you have a driver

Ask him/her to take you to hotel Atlantis. The road ends there, so you have to walk the rest of the distance (100 meters). Walking away from Hotel Atlantis, turn right at MATI Art Gallery. You'll see "The Ouzeri" 15 yards away.

From the taxi station

Walking away from the taxi station, you'll see the Cathedral. To your right, 30 yards away, is the pharmacy. After the pharmacy, first left, walk up the stairs and you'll find us.

From the cable car station

Exit the cable car, go left and then first right.  Walk down the cobblestone path until you ‘ll see the the imposing white building of the Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Turn left at MATI Art Gallery and straight ahead and you‘ll see “The Ouzeri” 15 yards away.